Writer Introduction


I am a International students from China. I like Japanese music, anime, fashion etc., and I have a wide range of fields of interest. Recently, I feel live on the street is very interesting! On my way back home, I always stopped by listen to the street lives in front of the station. My favorite place is Minato Mirai 21 in Yokohama. This is because it is close to the sea. Although, Tokyo Metropolitan Government will proceed leisurely, and I can spend place with the family. (Published 2017)


I am a student interested in Japanese histories such as “Shinsengumi” and Heian period. I love the classical literature of Japan. In my spare time, I like to go on a trio with my camera; to record the moment to experience a variety of beauty of life. I also like Japanese animation too, and I can spend my whole holiday for that. The second of my favorite elements of Japanese culture: manga, anime, and game will have the enthusiasm. Akihabara and Ikebukuro has again a significant proportion to a variety of related activities ~!


My favorite animal is cat, my favorite thing is travel and my favorite place is Shinjuku. I also enjoy eating and drinking. Comparing with the elegant restaurant, I prefer the small bar with red lanterns. I am not good at sports but I can run fast and always visit different places myself. I love reading so I always buy many books. The aim of year is to be a person who loves taking photos. I am living in Tokyo and studying Chinese now.


I am a female Japanese university student, who is studying in Tokyo and focusing on the relationship of media and religions studies. I am now doing writer in Intheluggage. My dream life are eating tasty rice and sleeping on a comfortable bed. I always visit Kichijōji. I love to read science fiction and my favorite food is pork back ribs. (Published 2017)


I am a Japanese sophomore in university living in Tokyo. My major are America culture and cultural anthropology. I love music and listen to my mp3 all the time including during my school time and shower time. I am interested in guitar, so I started to learn guitar recently. Not only music, but I am also interested in movie, reading books, enjoying Japanese hot springs and eating. I love to enjoy eating delicious food and chatting, so I always visit different cafes with my friends! (Published 2016)


Finished the job hunting, I am a Tokyo college student in the acclaimed moratorium. In the university, in addition to the English and American Literature majoring in undergraduate, studying psychology and philosophy. Such as art, music, film and thought, there is interest in a variety of the world of culture, shallow widely familiar with various things. And be excited about the world that do not know, to be impressed by the work, be keenly in nature, such as such as to eat delicious things, love to experience that sensibility is stimulated (Published 2017)


I am Chinese students in Japan. I am now studying as professional photography, commercial photography major, and I wanted to be a photographe. I am learning English now, in the future I intends to travel to Europe. I like to wear the camera around to travel, experience different cultures, and can increase my knowledge, and expand my horizons. (Published 2017)


I am Michelle, a HongKonger. I enjoy new experience like going hiking in different countries and learning traditional Japanese cultures including Sado and Kabuki. Being an Organizational Communication graduate, I love to explore the world and capture it through my lens. My passion is to travel and realize my ideas through photography.


大家好!到目前為止,您是否喜歡我們的東京文章信息嗎? 我感覺日本有很多有趣的地方逛街。希望你能享受你的旅程從這個網站! Hi Everyone! Happy to see you all through this website! =) Are you enjoying our articles so far? I luv to travel abroad, and that will enlarge my horizon and can learn and discover various of things ! I feel you also do! The things I can say about Japan is four seasons is very clear. Also, we can be proud of traditional customs, manufacturing and gourmet etc. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, and where can discover new trend everyday. However, in another hands, some area can see the old shopping district that can feel Showa era. I assume that every time you come to Tokyo, you can find and experience new things!! For those who traveled for first time or repeaters, the more you will know about Japan, I think you may have fun discover more interesting things. This can not said only Tokyo, but also to other prefectures. Anyways, I hope my articles will help your itinerary!!


早安!我叫茆盛文,綽號是茆球(臉圓的跟球一樣),來自台灣台南。 來到日本的時間不算太長,但我已經跑遍無數活動了,從射箭、脫口秀、太鼓、祭典、到跟日本高中生去逛街xD 我都非常享受每個當下,而我也想將這些資訊分享給螢幕前的你。 旅遊文章很多,但我相信自己的文章都是以最初心者的角度出發,提供必要但不會太複雜的資訊。希望每個看過的人,都能跟我一樣體驗、享受日本!


大家好,我是fumi,我是台灣人。現在住在日本神奈川縣。 學生時代因為接觸到日本的動漫與流行音樂後,開始對「日本」這個國家產生了興趣,而在大學畢業後也終於如願地第一次到東京旅行。在那之後,每年的日本旅行便成為我努力工作最大的原動力!除了到各個景點觀光以外,我現在也很喜歡在日本參加演唱會、或是去球場幫支持的棒球隊加油等,這些能與他人一起同樂的各種體驗活動。希望透過我的文章,能讓大家更喜歡、也更了解日本的魅力所在。

Granny L

Granny Lの記事一覧

nell tsai

nell tsaiの記事一覧

MY Cheung

MY Cheungの記事一覧




哈囉~大家好。前身在旅行社工作,走過不少地方,最後落腳東京。喜歡旅行,喜歡接受不一樣的人事物,希望利用這份熱情,發覺更多新鮮、有趣的日本文化,透過文字與圖片分享給您~ はじめまして、アイリーンです。以前は旅行会社で働いて、多くの国に行ったし、現在は東京に住んでいます。旅行する事と様々な人や物事を受け入れるのが好きで、この情熱を通し、多く新鮮な、面白い日本の文化を台湾の方に紹介すれば嬉しいと思います。宜しくお願い致します。

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